Thursday 20. 10.
19:00, Big Hall
temporarily not available


The legendary band UFO cancels the planned autumn tour due to health reasons and so will not perform in PRAGUE in October! Bad news fans… the singer of the legendary band UFO, Phil Mogg, unfortunately suffered a heart attack and although he is already after the surgery and fortunately quite fine, he still has a long treatment and recovery course ahead of him. Doctors have issued a strict travel and concert ban for Mogg until further notice. Therefore, their entire farewell tour „Last Orders“, which was supposed to lead across Europe from October 15th to 29th, 2022, must be cancelled. In the Czech republic, the band UFO was supposed to appear in PRAGUE, Akropolis Palace on October 20th! If and when the tour or – at the very least – individual shows can be made up for, is currently completely unclear and will depend on Mogg`s recovery, among other things. His rehabilitation therapy will be starting in about six weeks. According to the doctors, it is not yet possible to give any concrete statements about the duration and scope of the treatment. We're keeping our fingers crossed for Phil that he gets back to full health and strenght soon. You can return all purchased tickets at the place of purchase, but no later than the end of November 2022! Thank you for your understanding.