Monday 1. 6.
1020_Site Specific - foto Martin Mařák
10:00, A-Galerie
temporarily not available


A walk through the old Žižkov with scenes from the history of this unique place. Gustav Husák and the plan to reconstruct it into a high-rise apartment housing project, the impersonator of Tonka Šibenice, Xena Longenová, and her death jump from the window in Bořivojova street, staged reconstruction of the Battle of Vítkov Hill that ended up ridiculously, Franta Sauer with Jaroslav Hašek sauntering through local pubs. And finally sacred assault of the Protestant broad-mindness of people from Žižkov with Prague in the place of the missing plague column in the imaginary Žižkov axis. 1020 Lost Triangle. Looking for spiritualism of unchained self-declared republic between Vítkov, Parukářka and Vinohrady.

Marek Menšík

Photos by Martin Mařák from the last year performance1020_Site Specific performed in the frame of ŽIŽKOV SOBĚ project.
