Friday 1. 5.
Žižkov men for women 2015 - photos Martina Žigmundová
00:00, A-Galerie
temporarily not available


I would like to introduce you to my work and the principal ideas of the project Žižkov men for women. It would be great if the photos talked for themselves, but a few words about the project will help better to understand the purpose of this project and calendar. I would like to help you to see the photos not only as mere pictures but to be able to find the hidden stories behind them. You may then keep something from these stories in your life. I am grateful for this project. In September 2014 I started taking pictures for this project. In November we had the calendar Žižkov men for women 2015 in front of us. It was printed in tens copies and almost every was sold. Now in May in Palác Akropolis you can see the photos used in the calendar.

The project started in the beginning of my life change from the stereotype office work to creative photographer and the huge decision to listen to my heart. You must always find a great deal of courage for every change. As a mother who wants to ensure a good life not only for herself but also for her child, I was scared. But the courage and ideas were escalating for a time and the first step was done eventually. And I have never regretted the decision!

I have been a photographer from 17. Earlier I liked to catch moments, study architecture, composition and various events. I was studying on my own. A few times I visited the photographer Ton Stan for consultations and he always said that I will reach progress only with training and hard-work, that no school or workshop will help me with it. I draw since the high school; my favourites were portrayals and figures. This field helps me to individualise and tell through the composition what I want to tell to the viewer. So I took this approach also in the photography. I want to capture more than just a surface. I am interested in the content. I look at people as a fine-artist but I try to see through them as a human. Every human is interesting, extraordinary and can give us something. I enjoy finding this something, this treasure.

In the calendar there are both known and unknown people to me. I started with my friend on Parukářka and we came up with an idea – one model for each month. It was quite difficult to find that many models but we succeeded in the end. We even managed to find one model for each month when he was born. I am very much into horoscopes and the models represent not only themselves but also their zodiac sign. My family and friends helped me with looking for the models. From the beginning NPK Husita I am cooperating with liked this project. They take care about free time and education of children, youth and mothers from Žižkov, they organise cultural, sporting and other events. There is a community garden Meduňka and cultural centre Panoptikum Barikáda in the NKP Husita premises.

Žižkov and Jarov is my home. I live here since 1989 and it still surprises and inspires me. When I see the Žižkov tower from other part of Prague, I always calm down, I know immediately which way is my home. What I like very much about life in Žižkov is that some people are really trying to create the community life there; they try to help each other. You find here many non-profit organisations, possibilities how to spend free time not only for individuals but also for families. There is always some cultural event. It is simply somehow very “for-people” place, but still you may be alone here only with nature, because there is plenty of parks. There are places for culture, sport, family – children have many choices in playgrounds. I also like the friendly approach to art. There are huge sculptures installed on Vítkov, there are many galleries. Well, I have not yet found any better place for living. And this love for Žižkov I would like to visualise in my work. In the project Žižkov men for women we chose premises from various parts of Žižkov. For example on Parukářka, Vítkov, at the restaurant Kuře v hodinkách, at Palác Akropolis, in the garden Meduňka etc. Men in these photos simply are there, or they do exercise, meditate and work. The project should be also a map of interesting places in Žižkov, but of course there are many other. Other interesting places and locations will be in the next project. Now we work on a project about mapping the life of women from Žižkov.

Thank you for your time. I hope you will like our project. The calendar is still for sale, but only a few copies. Part of the profit will go to NPK Husita. The calendar will be available both in version for men and for women in 2016. It is possible to print it in more number of copies and with logo of your company if you would like to have it as a gift for your clients and business partners. Please contact me and we will come to an agreement to your full satisfaction. I take photos also on contract. Preferably in this location. I also have an atelier close to Flora.

Best wishes,

Your Martina
