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Thursday 18/01/2024
Saturday 03/02/2024
Wednesday 06/03/2024
19:30 BIG HALL
Friday 08/03/2024
Wednesday 13/03/2024
19:30 BIG HALL
Friday 15/03/2024
Tuesday 19/03/2024
20:00 BIG HALL
TRENDZ is a South Korean boyband formed in 2021 by Interpark Music Plus. The seven-talent group made its debut in January 2022 and has been on a meteoric rise ever since, with 5 EPs released already. The last two, "BLUE SET Chapter [NEW DAYZ]" and "STILL ON MY WAY", mark a turning point in their evolution. The band's popularity has spread far and wide, demonstrating the full extent of its members' talents. TRENDZ now prepares for its very first international tour, the "TRENDZ WORLD TOUR [NEW DAYZ] in EUROPE". The name NEW DAYZ evokes the band members' favorite song and symbolizes a new day, a new beginning, which is what this tour will be for the band! Han Kook, Ha Vit, Leon, Yoon Woo, ra.L, Eun Il and Ye Chan will be criss-crossing Europe from Paris to Istanbul, and even Morocco. An exhilarating first tour from a k-pop group you don't want to miss!
Saturday 23/03/2024
19:00 BIG HALL
V roce 2023 se legendární gothic rockeři XIII. století věnovali částečně ohlédnutí do minulosti, kdy se dvakrát vrátili v původním složení k oprášení debutové desky Amulet. Následující rok bude Petr Štěpán se svými současnými spoluhráči znovu hledět do budoucnosti. A v tomto nastavení se 23. března 2024 znovu zastaví v Praze. Během večera se domácímu publiku představí i exkluzivní zahraniční host, který domácímu publiku představí současné impulzy světového gotického rocku.
Sunday 24/03/2024
18:30 BIG HALL
19:00 BIG HALL
Tuesday 26/03/2024
19:30 BIG HALL
Cloudy June, a twenty-four-year-old lyricist and singer of German-Cuban heritage, draws inspiration from Berlin's diverse culture, resulting in her distinct take on indie pop. Through her song lyrics, Cloudy delves into themes such as relationships, sexuality, equality, and mental health, often pushing the boundaries of social conventions. Her music effortlessly combines strength and vulnerability, making her a prominent voice for many young women within the queer community. Cloudy's musical journey began at the age of eleven, and she briefly collaborated with the metal group New Greed. Her track "FU In My Head" has amassed over 28 million streams on Spotify, and she boasts a catalog of other popular songs including "Devil Is A Woman," "Mommy Issues," and "You Problem." In 2023, Cloudy released her latest EP, "21st Century Princess," featuring a collaboration with Emlyn on the track "You Problem." Prepare for an unforgettable live concert experience on March 26, 2024, at the Akropolis Palace, promising a lot of energy and exceptional musicality. This concert is supported by Liveurope. The first EU-wide initiative to support concert clubs in their efforts to host concerts by emerging European artists. Liveurope is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.
Wednesday 03/04/2024
Thursday 04/04/2024
19:30 BIG HALL
V letošním roce to bude neuvěřitelných 50 let, co se na hradě Houska začala nahrávat jedna z nejslavnějších desek československé kultury Egon Bondy´s Happy Hearts Cub Banned skupiny The Plastic People Of The Universe. A právě toto výročí bylo důvodem, aby vydavatelství Guerilla Records oslovilo několik hudebníků, kteří jsou se jménem kapely spjati, aby si toto výročí připomenuli na koncertech, kde ona zmíněná deska v jejich interpretaci zazní. A k ní i něco navíc. Tuto dočasnou koncertní sestavu ve složení bývalých členů Plastic People Josef Janíček (klávesy, zpěv), Jan Brabec (bicí, zpěv), Vladimír Dědek (trombon), Tomáš Schilla (violoncello, zpěv) doplňuje na zásadním postu baskytaristy Ivan Bierhanzl. Kapela se tímto obsazením vrací ke svým kořenům, protože na jejích zásadních albech kytara vždy chyběla. Jako hosta si kapela vybrala J. H. Krchovského a jeho Krch-Off Band, protože Jura Krchovský je propojen jak s Egonem Bondym, tak s Mejlou Hlavsou. Cena v předprodeji 390 Kč, na místě 490 Kč.
Saturday 06/04/2024
20:00 BIG HALL
Look Mum No Computer, vlastním jménem Sam Battle, vystoupí v Paláci Akropolis v rámci akce NSHT, která se zaměřuje na živou elektronickou hudbu. Z jihu Anglie přiveze DIY nástroje, díky kterým vešel ve známost na svém YouTube kanále. Povětšinou je možné ho najít ve studiu, kde zrovna vyrábí nový synťák nebo skládá novou skladbu, počítačům se ale vyhýbá jako čert kříži. Umělec úspěšně působí ve více disciplínách, má za sebou výstavy i živé shows a to od raveů v berlínských squatech po londýnské warehousy. Mnoho jeho vynálezů proplouvá internetem jako virální senzace. Od Furby varhan, přes syntetizující bicykl napojený na proud o 5000 voltech, na kterém si usmaží burger, až po klávesy chrlící oheň. Unikátní umělec s unikátními nástroji. V Praze vystoupí pod hlavičkou NSHT, projektu, který posunuje vnímání párty na umění, které se tvoří horkými kabely, krabičkami a energií daného okamžiku. Původně olomoucká akce během sedmi let své existence představila to nejlepší z české elektronické produkce a hostila i několik zahraničních hvězd. Zapomeňte na diskotékovou rutinu, NSHT přináší bezprostřední sílu okamžiku.
Sunday 07/04/2024
Saturday 13/04/2024
Friday 19/04/2024
19:00 BIG HALL
Těžko si představit slovenskou hudební scénu bez těchto dvou legendárních kapel. Zvukově sice kráčejí odlišnými směry, ale něco je spojuje. Obě začínaly v undergroundu, a přestože od 80. let už uplynulo moře času, nikdy se nezpronevěřili svým ideálům. Bez ladu a skladu a Slobodná Európa jsou dlouholetí přátelé a mají příbuzné názory na mnohá témata, ale až nyní se dohodli, že vyrazí na společné turné. "Tyto koncerty vznikly spontánně v šatně na posledním koncertě v Bratislavě. Tam si každoročně voláme kapely, které máme rádi a něco pro nás znamenají. Letos to byly Bez ladu a skladu a to nadšení ze společného hraní tam bylo od začátku." řekl ke společnému turné Whisky zpěvák Slobodnej Európy.
Tuesday 23/04/2024
19:30 BIG HALL
Experimental rock / avant-pop / psychedelic Aquaserge is an experimental band oscillating between experimental rock, avant-pop and psychedelic rock. Their songs draw from genres such as noise, pop, French film music, kraut, free jazz, as well as the work of iconic Gallic bands. They are coming to Prague with their new project "La fin de l'économie". Formed in 2005 in Toulouse, southern France, Aquaserge define themselves primarily as a collective that continues to renew and transform itself over time - in the past they have played in various formations as a septet, octet, quintet, quartet and trio. Throughout its history, the band has had several interesting musicians who have shaped its musical direction while also working in bands like Tame Impala and Stereolab and Melody's Echo Chamber, and the band as a whole has had close contact with Japan's Acid Mothers Temple. The band's strength lies primarily in its live performances, as evidenced by the live album "Déjà vous?" from 2018. The Wire says of the band, "Their style is global, densely packed with ideas, mathematically precise, boldly anarchic, ignoring boundaries of all kinds and sparking with a penchant for the weird." They are coming to Prague with their new, eleventh album La fin de l'économie.
Thursday 25/04/2024
20:30 BIG HALL
Friday 26/04/2024
19:00 BIG HALL
Saturday 27/04/2024
19:30 BIG HALL
Koncert : Něžná noc 10 let !! Blanka Šrůmová: zpěv, klávesy Jan Sahara Hedl: zpěv, kytara Tomáš Valášek: kytara Aleš Zenkl: basa Pavel Attel: bicí Blanka Šrůmová a Jan Sahara Hedl se potkali přesně na stejné datum koncertu, roku 2014. Pojďte s nám oslavit 10 let od našeho setkání a založení skupiny Něžná noc !! Poprvé zde bude v prodeji naše nové studiové album, které vyjde v dubnu 2024. Vydává Galén. Sponzor akce : Top Tank Pořádá Agency BSH
Monday 13/05/2024
Monday 20/05/2024
19:30 BIG HALL
Tuesday 21/05/2024
19:00 BIG HALL
Founded in 1984 by Irish musicians Rodney Orpheus and Paul Dillon, the iconic electronic rock band The Cassandra Complex remains an iconic force in electronic rock forty years later, blending elements of EBM, industrial, gothic rock, new wave and synthpop. They played their first concert in the then Czechoslovakia in 1990, just 4 months after the Velvet Revolution. The last one was in 2012. The representative space of the Akropolis Palace was tactically chosen for the important round anniversary.
Thursday 23/05/2024
19:30 BIG HALL
Thursday 06/06/2024
19:30 BIG HALL
Friday 07/06/2024
19:30 BIG HALL
Wednesday 12/06/2024
19:30 BIG HALL
Australian indie folk band Sons Of The East is on the rise with their modern take on traditional folk music. Their unique blend of acoustic and electronic elements has become their defining sound. The songs of the Sons Of The East trio are based on keyboards, banjo, guitar and charismatic vocals. In 2022, the band released their stellar debut studio album "Palomar Parade". Hailing from Sydney's Northern Beaches, the band consists of Dan Wallage, Nic Johnston and Jack Rollins. Sam Jackson of The AU Review said about them: „Thank God for Sons Of The East …Unshakeable calm“ and smooth tempos …harmonies woven tighter than DNA strands“. The Australian band's songs have achieved more than 300 million streams and 60 million views on YouTube. Tracks like "Into The Sun", "My Repair" and "Come Away" have become classics, and the popularity of the Australian trio is growing around the world. Their music has charisma, soul and spreads joy.
Monday 17/06/2024
18:00 BIG HALL
UPGRADE THE CLUB! Brooklyn's Biohazard have been miraculously joined by fellow Los Angeles band Downset. We are moving the show to the bigger Lucerna Music Bar for capacity reasons. Your already purchased tickets will of course remain valid for the new venue. Thank you for your understanding.
Thursday 05/09/2024
19:30 BIG HALL
Friday 06/09/2024
19:30 BIG HALL
Thursday 12/09/2024
Wednesday 25/09/2024
Wednesday 02/10/2024
19:30 BIG HALL
Thursday 03/10/2024
Saturday 05/10/2024
19:30 BIG HALL
Wednesday 09/10/2024
Friday 11/10/2024
19:30 BIG HALL
Saturday 12/10/2024
19:30 BIG HALL
Monday 14/10/2024
Tuesday 15/10/2024
19:30 BIG HALL
Sunday 20/10/2024
19:30 BIG HALL
Grammy-nominated rising star of acoustic blues Jontavious Willis, just 27 years old and a Georgia native, decided as a young man on his mission: to revive contemporary blues with the spirit of the past. This is not some superficial plagiarism; his original acoustic blues is authentic, intimate and surprisingly contemporary. Yet in his work we hear echoes of early blues greats such as Robert Johnson and Skip James. As a songwriter, he is often described as a direct follower of a tradition in which the likes of Taj Mahal and Keb' Mo' excel. It's no surprise that his second and most recent album to date, 2019's Grammy-nominated Spectacular Class, was produced by these two living blues legends. Jontavious was born and raised in rural Georgia and spent most of his childhood singing gospel music in a Baptist church. His passion for the blues was ignited at age 14 when he came across a YouTube video of Muddy Waters playing the famous song "Hoochie Coochie Man." He achieved widespread recognition when Taj Mahal invited him to accompany him on stage in 2015. Shortly thereafter, in 2018, Jontavious opened for Taj Mahal and Keb' Mo' during their joint TajMo tour. His acoustic debut album Blue Metamorphosis (2016) received rave reviews in Living Blues and Blues & Rhythm magazines and won the Blues Foundation's International Blues Challenge 2018 award for Best Self-Produced CD. The Grammy-nominated second album, Spectacular Class, showcases Willis' exploration of a variety of blues styles with a live ensemble. Jontavious Willis performs original songs dressed in traditional styles and presents a unique blend of time-honored yet modern, intellectual yet danceable blues.
Saturday 26/10/2024
Tuesday 29/10/2024
20:00 BIG HALL
Wednesday 30/10/2024
19:30 BIG HALL
Thursday 31/10/2024
Friday 08/11/2024
Tuesday 12/11/2024
19:30 BIG HALL
Wednesday 13/11/2024
Thursday 21/11/2024
Friday 22/11/2024
Sunday 24/11/2024
Thursday 28/11/2024
19:30 BIG HALL
Friday 29/11/2024
20:00 BIG HALL
Friday 06/12/2024
Saturday 07/12/2024
Monday 09/12/2024
Tuesday 10/12/2024
Wednesday 11/12/2024
Friday 13/12/2024
Saturday 14/12/2024
Tuesday 17/12/2024
16:00 BIG HALL
19:00 BIG HALL
Friday 20/12/2024
19:15 BIG HALL
Koprodukce. Master of Project: Veronika Ilíková
©2013 ART FRAME Palác Akropolis s.r.o. All Rights Reserved.