Film posters by students of the Department of Visual Arts in Uherské Hradiště that were created as a part of a typography lecture in the first year of undergraduate studies. Each student laid out a unifying principle for his/her graphic concept. For example, numbers appearing in films- Silvie Štefková, surreal motifs- Dušan Nečas, “pop art” aesthetics- Jiří Žák, etc. A remake is a new treatment of an earlier film. It is characteristic of a remake to not be based on the same literary original, but rather to emulate the previous film production. Likewise, the student designs are not related to the original posters, but rather put forward the original film. The Department of Visual Arts is a part of the Faculty of Multimedia Communications of Tomáš Bata University in Zlín. Students at the Department of Visual Arts are systematically taught to deal with design questions in the field of advertising. Professional studies are based on a strong theoretical basis in the areas of cultural studies, marketing, theory and practice of marketing communication and study of the English language. The aim of studies is to educate graduates who are equipped with sufficient professional knowledge and practical skills and who are qualified to quickly adapt to concrete activities when carrying out their profession, primarily in the field of advertising. The study program supplies them with competencies in the fields of multimedia and design, so that they are prepared to carry out their duties in advertising and communication agencies, marketing departments of large companies, design studios, etc. The Department of Visual Arts consists of two specialized studios: The 3D Design Studio is focused on packaging design and 3D design in the commercial sphere. The Visual Communications Studio deals with the graphics aspect of electronic publishing, particularly with web presentations that cross into multimedia. Student work and additional information: /…