David Pokorný belongs to a generation of young artists, following the traditional photography principals and simultaneously bringing young and not very academic approach to the field of classical photography. He is an artist, which addresses to theatre photography and is also interested in documentary and film photography. He has already been in this field over ten years and he has been cooperating with Palác Akropolis quite long time. Our author is transmitting a view of the world in which we cannot recognize at first the difference between the world we all live in, the common course of events. Everything seems to be normal and common, but close investigation shows deeper content of what our senses transmit. As in normal life, we have to study what is behind the things, that at first look clear and simple, also in the work of this photographer we can uncover more profound dimensions of the photographic world. What is reality and what is true? What is hidden beyond sense perception? Don´t we just see what we want to see?
Theatre performance enables us to see the world in a different way. It opens life motives, that may drift away in our lives and therefore it opens new views, or on the contrary it opens the topics which we live and it lets us reflect our own lives. Photographs from theatre performances are on a different level of viewing the world. There we search for new information, situations more or less probable, new ways of seeing things, analysing and constant investigating. David Pokorný does not pull the trigger accidentally but captures present moments which are becoming past and thanks to the photos they endure and they become our message for the future. Photos in this exhibition represent theatre performances from the perspective of David Pokorný. Most of them are plays which used to be performed in Akropolis, or are still being performed and some can be seen during this season. The genres of the plays vary – comedies, improvisations and even physical theatre. You can see for yourself and create your own idea about the theatre world and confront it with the exhibition author´s view – a traditional and also unconventional one.