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1995 - 2020 Výstavy, A Galerie

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15th International fine-art symposium ► KONTEXT
30/08/2013 00:00, A-Galerie
Free admission

The 15th International fine-art symposium CONTEXT – 2nd September to 6th October 2013

The fifteenth international fine-art symposium was organised by citizens association SUKUS in Zubrnice. The artists are creating their works with one main theme in the relaxed atmosphere every year. From the most serious existentialist themes they already have had: ONE WORLD, ONE LIFE, TRACES, TOUCHES, SEARCH, ON THE ROAD. This year we focused to something seemingly insignificant, marginal and inadvertently or deliberately neglected. The main theme of the exhibition was CONTEXT. Why is context so interesting? In the changing world there are hundreds of events every day that are personally or socially significant. In this rush we are losing their meaning; we do not know how to understand because we are not able to see the important connections. Usually, there is no one who would explain it to us, we need to realise it alone. For example a kiss can be manifestation of the greatest love or a death sentence. It all depends on the context. What can be in some circumstances heroism, can be an irresponsible risk another time. A little price can save lives but a share in the hand of a castaway has no price at all. There is no phenomenon without a context. Context is a set of circumstances and connections. Every event has its causes and effects. Every object has its neighbours and surroundings. Context confusion is a base of irony and joke. Partial or complete context withhold is a base for mental manipulation. This goes for life as for the optics: When we change the angle of vision, all of the objects change their location. They are getting in new relationships. And with changing the position entirely the objects looks in another background, in another context. Context sorts all things. Only context gives the things their value and meaning. If we are looking for causes and we understand that what is happening now is happening as a cause of what happened first, we have a chance to understand the world.

15. Mezinárodní výtvarné sympozium - KONTEXT Dagmar Čechová - Náplavy15. Mezinárodní výtvarné sympozium - KONTEXT Vladimír Murtin - Vize vlasteneckého kněze P. Vicenta Zahradníka v Zubrnicích I – IVVlasta Rydlová - Slunce, MěsícPavel Rydl - Otázka zorného úhluNorbert Sötz - Pokus o pořádek, který byl dlouho zanedbávánKalle Lind - 15 let česko-německé UMĚLECKÉ partnerstvíHerbert Ristl - Vztah ve třech vrstvách 1 – 4Alena Zíková - Mezi nebem a zemíEduard Vacek - Ulitáři – Obrazy národních tradicAlžběta Müller - Nedotýkej se mě15. Mezinárodní výtvarné sympozium - KONTEXT
15. Mezinárodní výtvarné sympozium - KONTEXT (author: Vacek Eduard, Sötz Norbert, Čechová Dagmar, Murtin Vladimír, Müller Alžběta, Lind Kalle, Ristl Herbert, Ziková Alena, Rydl Pavel, Rydlová Vlasta)
1995 - 2020 Výstavy, A Galerie. Master of Project: Eva Kocianova
©2013 ART FRAME Palác Akropolis s.r.o. All Rights Reserved.