Wednesday 16. 10.
19:30, Big Hall
temporarily not available


Enjoy the Piri Piri! DVA returns to the concert stage and will launch their expected new album at Palác Akropolis. The evening will be opened by Polish rapper and producer Piernikowski.


Jan Kratochvíl and Barbora Ungerová. DVA musical elements who have been moving around the music world for 18 years. During this time the duo has gained recognition not only in the Czech Republic but also internationally. They cross the boundaries of established musical genres and literally speak their own language. And although only DVA of them really understand the lyrics, they have captivated audiences all over the world. Their songs have garnered hundreds of thousands of listens on streaming platforms and have been featured in award-winning video games. Their soundtrack for Botanicula won them the IGF's Excellence in Audio Award in San Francisco. But they have also won outright music awards, such as the 2010 Angel for their sophomore release HU. In 2023, the band returned to playing live and began work on their fourth studio album. Tim Brinkhurst, a co-worker of the British band Young Fathers, co-produced the new Piri Piri. The album will be released on September 13th and on October 16th, DVA and special guests will launch it at Akropolis Palace.


Special guest who will open the evening and present the new album Beyond Echo of Time in an exclusive Prague premiere. Robert Piernikowski is a rapper and producer who has also found recognition in the punk rock and electronic scene. In addition to his home country of Poland, his concerts are also gaining success in the Czech Republic. He has performed at leading festivals such as Barcelona's Primavera or Unsound in New York. On his previous album The best of moje getto he collaborated with Polish musician Brodka. Now Piernikowski will play tracks from his fresh experimental album, released this April, as part of the Pulz series. Go for the echo of time.

Tim Brinkhurst

Known as Timothy London (1960, Essex), is a British producer, composer, manager, and writer who has been active since the post-punk era of the late 1970s and early 1980s. With his pop band „Soho“, which rose to chart success during the rave wave of the late 1980s, he released eight albums. Through Soho, he experienced both the good and the bad sides of the music industry, leading him to choose a path of independence for his future career. After relocating to Scotland in the early 2000s, he began producing and composing music for other artists, releasing music under the label Soulpunk, and dedicating time to writing books. Among other achievements, he discovered the trio „Young Fathers“ and contributed as a producer and co-writer on their first five albums.

Tim produced the album Piri Piri by the band DVA, and in the evening, he will exclusively conclude the event with his DJ set on the small stage at Akropolis.

Vojtěch Tkáč, music journalist and Radio 1 moderator, is behind the dramaturgy of the Pulz series at Palác Akropolis. The evening will take place in collaboration with the Akropolis Underground, where the afterparty will take place.