Saturday 18. 5.
Double bill ► Temporary Collective ► Call Alice + IN BE-TWEEN ► A VIDEO ESSAY
19:30, Big Hall
temporarily not available


Due to the health complications of the dancer and choreographer Renan Martins, we are forced to cancel the second part of the double bill – the Helio performance, and replace it with a film screening of a short documentary video essay entitled IN BE-TWEEN, which follows the behind-the-scenes preparations for the Call Alice performance. This short documentary was selected for the Festival of Dance Films in Prague and the Festival of Short Films in Berlin.

19:30 Temporary Collective: Call Alice

20.30 IN BE-TWEEN – a video essay


Two women, both dancers, both the same age, are said to have a remarkable physical resemblance. At first, they have no idea about each other, maybe they just heard that everyone has a double somewhere. Is it possible to find answers through another person? What makes us identify and connect with others and ourselves? Tereza Ondrová and Francesca Foscarini on a journey between a documentary and an intimate statement, one’s own body and personal experience. In their joint work, they touch on a number of topics, such as the female psyche and its changes, loneliness, vulnerability and, finally, acceptance of the state in which the performing arts currently finds itself. And even though these two women don’t know each other, can they share an emotional bond that transcends geography?

In 2020, a Czech-Italian dance project was created – a duet by Tereza Ondrová and Francesca Foscarini. Due to the worldwide pandemic, rehearsals are at first postponed, then moved, then done remotely – via the platform Zoom. The first public show was scheduled for the 8th of December that year. A live audience is not possible, so the creators decided to adapt the rehearsal process into a video essay. Subsequently, rehearsals continue. Constant attempts at new ways to survive, adaptations of an adaptation. On the way between a documentary and an intimate statement, one’s own body and personal experience.

Thanks to the Czech Dance Platform 2016 award, which was given by Roberto Casarotto (director of dance projects Centro per la Scena Contemporanea di Bassano del Grappa and Operaestate Festival Veneto) for her performance in the production AS LONG AS HOLDING HANDS, Tereza Ondrová was able to attend a choreographic research in Bassano del Grappa. This opened a new world for her, where she met with leading personalities of the young Italian dance generation. The artists began to fascinate her mainly with their own studio, their work and their local community, with the local space of the museum, but also with their excellent technique, emotional impact and strong stage presence. After repeated meetings with artists such as Alessandro Sciarroni, Daniele Ninarello, Silvia Gribaudi and Francesca Foscarini, she decided to address two strong female personalities of the contemporary Italian scene to collaborate (Silvia Gribaudi and Francesca Foscarini).


Author: Tereza Ondrová

Performers: Tereza Ondrová, Francesca Foscarini

Dramaturgical advisor: Monica Gillette

Directorial cooperation: Petra Tejnorová

Light design: Katarina Morávek Ďuricová

Sound design: Jan Čtvrtník

Translation: Marta Ljubková

Produced by: Daniela Řeháková / Temporary Collective

Co-production: Tanec Praha z.ú. / Festival TANEC PRAHA

Supported by: Ministerstvo kultury České republiky | Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, Státní fond kultury | State Cultural Fund of the Czech Republic Hlavní město Praha | City of Prague, Studio ALTA

IN BE-TWEEN – a video essay

The video essay entitled IN BE-TWEEN presents creative work, as well as the process of rehearsing a dance project of the same name. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, live culture has been partially relocated online. Czech dancer Tereza Ondrová and her Italian colleague Francesca Foscarini have also moved there. From March 2020 until now, they have been preparing their new dance piece “IN BE-TWEEN”. No time together in the rehearsal room, mostly online, each in their own apartment, their own city, or in their own rehearsal room. The video essay is a report not only about one project, but also about live art – dance art in the digital age, in the social distancing age, in an age of great uncertainty. Who is Tereza and who is Francesca, but also what led them to collaborate is, of course, another topic of this short essay.

IN BE-TWEEN, the title plays not only with ambiguity between the preposition “between”, but also with the noun “tween” and its pronunciation, which resembles the word “twin”.

In the dance production, which (as we all hope) will be created in the future, two mature women, dancers, performers, Tereza Ondrová and Francesca Foscarini, who, in the opinion of others, are very physically similar, will stand side by side on the stage. Between them you will discover Anita, a teenager, not yet a woman, but a girl, reminding us of a world full of possibilities…

After winning the Czech Dance Platform 2016 award for her performance in the production AS LONG AS HOLDING HANDS, which was presented by Roberto Casarotto (director of dance projects at Centro per la Scena Centemporanea di Bassano del Grappa and Operaestate Festival Veneto), Tereza had the opportunity to go on a choreographic research trip to Bassana del Grappa. This opened a new world for the dancer and choreographer, as she met with leading personalities of the young Italian dance generation. The artists fascinated her mainly with their own studies, their work with the local community, with the local space of the museum, but also with their excellent technique, emotional impact and powerful stage presence. Nevynechala ani jeden taneční ročník letního festivalu v Bassanu del Grappa. She did not miss a single year of the summer festival in Bassano del Grappa. After repeated meetings with artists such as Alessandro Sciarroni, Daniele Ninarello, Silvia Gribaudi and Francesca Foscarini, Tereza decided to approach two strong female personalities of the contemporary Italian scene to collaborate. This creates two drastically different dance projects – two different strong female and promising tandems – In-Sectum (Silvia Gribaudi) and IN BE-TWEEN (Francesca Foscarini).



PERFORMING AND CREATING: Tereza Ondrová, Francesca Foscarini, Anita Zordan

THE VIDEO ESSAY WAS CREATED BY: director Petra Tejnorová, editor Petra Maceridu and dancer and choreographer Tereza Ondrová.

PRODUCTION BY Daniela Řeháková/ Temporary Collective.

PREMIERES: video essay – 8. 12. 2020, performance – June 2021 at the TANEC PRAHA International Festival 2021

FINANCIAL SUPPORT: Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic

CO-PRODUCTION: Tanec Praha z.ú./ TANEC PRAHA – festival

PARTNERS: Tanec Praha z.ú. / PONEC – dance venue and Studio ALTA

LENGHT: 15 min