Monday 27. 1.
Theatre NIE ► Crooners
13:30, Big Hall
temporarily not available


“When I think of my dad, I always imagine him singing soft songs into my ear before I fall asleep. Softly and quietly. When I dream about my dad, he did it. Many times.” In the Crooners project, NIE has embarked on an investigation of fathers and sons. Through conversations and interviews, they have delved into this material via Homer and Ibsen to examine the relationships, conversations and silence.

The main impulse while making this production has been to work with improvised music. Music rooted in the 1950s where men played jazz together, wore suits and did not have to speak much. We follow a young man’s search for his father that left. His search brings him to his grandfather’s house where the living and dead “exists” side by side. If some lives are so heavy that one can feel like a living dead, some lives must have been so light that the opposite exist. In a stage design that reminisces a playground and a battlefield three generations of men attempt to connect with each other, be vulnerable, and play together as the war returns again and again. The performance is embraced by a universe of newly composed music. Theatre NIE regularly visits Palac Akropolis with their work. It is one of the most critically acclaimed international theatre ensembles of today, dedicated mainly to work for youth and adults. Theatre NIE combines physical theatre, a mixture of languages, live music, storytelling and brings together artists from the Czech Republic, Norway and other European countries. Performers: Nils Oortwijn, Helder Deploige, Václav Kalivoda Director: Kjell Moberg Set designer: Katja Ebbel Lighting design: Christian Paulsen Production: Iva Moberg Co-production: Palác Akropolis

Language: English with czech subtitles

Age: 13+

Performance length: 60 min.

Supported by: Státní fond kultury ČR, Ministry of Culture Czech Republic, Scenekunstbruket, Arts Council Norway, Asker municipality,