Tuesday 25. 5.
18:30, Big Hall
temporarily not available


David Pomahač (CZ)

A delicate singer-songwriter with the soul of a rocker and a gentle rocker in a role of a singer-songwriter. A romantic, poet and melancholic in one package. David Pomahac tells stories about the journey from darkness to light.

David Pomahac released the most personal album of his career. In comparison to Pomahac's previous project, the urban-folk duo Kieslowski, the album Do tmy je daleko (i.e. It’s far to the Darkness) is a shift in his work, be it lyrically or in the shift towards electronic music. The sensitive production of Tomáš Havlen (Zvíře jménem podzim, Spomenik, Post-hudba etc.) also contributed to this feel.

“It is my confession about the daily search for light without being sure that there is any. About life in the dark with depression, about the ubiquitous feeling of loneliness, about the love I can hardly show, the loss and the desire to get out of it all and see the light, feel the warmth. I think the album couldn't be more personal. I revealed absolutely everything,” says Pomahac.

David Pomahac founded the project Bez peří, spent nine years in a band Houpací koně, and enjoyed the party of the supporting band for singer – songwriter Xavier Baumaxa. The year 2010 gave rise to the urban folk duo, Kieslowski. The intimate testimonies based on the sound of a guitar, piano, two vocals and David’s lyrics gained a large fan base and full concerts both at home and abroad. Kieslowski released three full albums, several EPs, and got nominated for the Czech music Award Apollo .

He is also an initiator of the live concert serie, Slow sessions.