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Tantehorse z.s. /CZ
Tantehorse was founded in 2006 by Miřenka Čechová and Radim Vizváry as Teatro Pantomissimo. Initially, the group focused on continuing the strong Czech tradition of modern pantomime, building on the work of their teacher Boris Hybner and the influences of Ladislav Fialka and Marcel Marceau. The ensemble soon abandoned the world of fragile silence, however, and went their own way incorporating slapstick, comedy and black humor, with works tending towards surrealism and decadence. The encounter with the Japanese dance art, Butoh, was crucial for the group and strongly influenced its poetics. Their impressive style which takes the spectator through minimalism, surrealism and decadence reveals the richness of physical theatre which Tantehorse has elevated to a strongly aesthetic and emotionally intense art form. Tantehorse is now touring regularly outside the Czech Republic and have received many fine distinctions for their work. Their home, however, is still in Prague, where they create and present new performances which are viewed as absolutely unique, provocative, and seeking the essence of theater. Due to this, the Czech theatrical environment remains extremely creative and, in spite of the gradual commercialization of art, retains its essential artistic function. “In Czech physical theatre, they rank among the absolut ely best not only when it comes to professionalism and their mimic, acting and dance skills, but also in terms of originality, intellectual engageme nt and artistic quality. (Vojtech Varys, Divadelni noviny/Theatre Times)
Tantehorse / FaithTantehorse: TantehorseTantehorse: Tantehorse
Tantehorse / Faith
©2013 ART FRAME Palac Akropolis s.r.o .